Monday, December 8, 2008

Mrs. Kaminsky's Homework

Dec. 8-12
Spelling-Lesson 11
Mon.- write words three times each
Wed.- write words three times each
Thurs.- practice test
Fri.- final test
Mon.- Tues.- Please read "Daniel's Mystery Egg", pg 120-139. Practice the yellow keywords. A test will be given on Tues.
Wed.- Fri.- A new book will be given out on Wed. Please read "Catch Me If you Can", pg.10-29. New orange keywords will be given out on Wed. A test on these words will be given next week.
Mon.- Spelling with final c
Wed.-final, stable syllable -ble (bubble)
Thurs.- final, stable syllable -fle, -ple,-dle (riffle, staple, candle)
Fri.- final, stable syllable -tle, -gle (bottle, bugle)
Green Pizza Hut book reports are due Dec. 23.
The Christmas party has been changed to Dec. 22.
Dec. 23 is an early dismissal.

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