Monday, October 19, 2009

Mrs. Kaminsky's Homework

Oct. 19-23
Spelling- Lesson 3
Mon.- write words three times each
Wed. write words three times each
Thurs.- practice test
Fri.- final test
Mon.- diagraph th (feather, thimble)- complete back of paper
Tues.- diagraph ng (ring), suffix -ing-complete back of paper
Wed.- suffix -ed- complete back of paper
Thurs.- diagraph ee (feet)- complete back of paper
Tues.- identify lighter and heavier- complete back of paper
Wed.- covering a design with pattern blocks-complete back of paper
Thurs.- ordering numbers to 20- complete back of paper
Fri.- numbert sentence for "some went away"- complete back of paper
Mon.- Fri.- Please read "Animal Park", pg 118-127. Practice the words on pg. 116 and the study sheet. A test on the words and story will be given next week.

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