Monday, January 4, 2010

Mrs. Kaminsky's Homework

Jan. 4-8
Spelling- Lesson 9
Mon.- write words three times each
Wed.- write words three times each
Thurs.- practice test- make corrections 3 times each
Fri.- final test
Mon.- combination er (butter)-complete back of paper
Tues.- trigraph igh (light)- complete back of paper
Thurs.- compound words- complete back of paper
Fri.- suffixes -less, -ness, -ly- complete back of paper
Mon.- Fri.- Please read "An Egg is An Egg" pg. 12-29. There will be a test on the words on pg. 12 and the story on Friday.
Mon.- identify a line of symmetry- complete back of paper
Tues.- line of symmtery-complete back of paper
Thurs.- odd and even numbers- complete back of paper
Fri.- numbering a face clock and telling time to the hour- complete back of paper

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