Monday, March 15, 2010

Mrs. Kaminsky's Homework

March 15-19
Spelling-Lesson 16
Mon. -write words three times each
Wed.- write words three times each
Thurs.- practice test- make corrections 3 times each
Fri.- final test
Mon.- spelling with oi, oy-complete back
Wed.- rule vc cvc cv- complete back
Thurs.- final, stable syllable -tion (lotion)-complete back
Fri.- diagraph ue (glue)-complete back
Tues.- adding two digit numbers without regrouping- complete back
Wed.-identify how many more on a graph-complete back
Thurs.- identify and make congruent shapes-complete back
Fri.- grouping by 10, counting large collections-complete back
Reading-Please read "The Dot", pg 46-67. Practice the words on pg 46. There will be a test on these words and story on Friday.
Children are allowed to wear the green spartan shirts on Wednesday.
Spring pictures are on Thursday. Children are allowed to wear spartan shirts for pictures.

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