Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22-26
Monday- words that begin with violet paper
Please read "The Jazz Band"
Practice flash cards including where and come
Tuesday- rhyming words paper

Please read "The Jazz Band"
Practice flash cards including where and come
Wednesday- correct sentence paper
Please read "The Jazz Band"
Practice flash cards including where and come
Thursday-connect dot paper
Please read "The Jazz Band"
Practice flash cards including where and come

In Phonics, we will be learning about the digraph sh like in shark. A digraph is 2 letters that come together to make one sound. We code digraphs by underlining the 2 letters.
In Reading, we’ll read “On the Move.” This story is an informational text. We will discuss travel around the world. Students will learn about main idea. Please be sure to review your Family Times when it comes home next week.
In Math students will practice counting by 2’s. They’ll also learn about even and odd numbers. Students will continue to practice measuring using nonstandard measurement.
Order forms for the Kindergarten Graduation DVD were sent home last week. This is a great Kindergarten keepsake! Order forms are due back by Wednesday, May 8th! NO ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN AFTER THIS DATE!

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