Monday, March 27, 2017

March 27-31
“Spring Pictures” Money-$ or returned photos are due back ASAP or by Monday, 3/27.

For Reading we will read the story Mayday! Mayday! A Coast Guard Rescue.  It is an informational text and we will be discussing cause and effect.  High frequency words, yellow, green, and blue will be the focus of this story.  Please practice all sight words daily!!  We will discuss what kinds of transportation help us in an emergency.  We will be working with the phonics sound /ks/ spelled with the letter Xx.

In Math, we will continue with Topic 9: Composing and Decomposing Numbers to 10.  Students will decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 pairs in more than one way, will find the number for any number from 1-9 that makes 10 when added to the given number, and will classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.   Review daily work mats and continue to practice addition, subtraction, and different ways to make numbers from 4-10.

On Friday, March 31st, Ms. White’s 9th grade science students will be coming for a visit in the morning to read a story that was written by the students as part of their science class.  It will be exciting to hear the story they created!!

The March AR “Book Buddy” recording sheets are due on Friday, March 31st.  The goal for the month is 15+ books.

Friday, 3/31 is a dress down day for Autism Awareness.  Students can wear a BLUE shirt with sweatpants or jeans with a $1 donation.

Kindergarten Graduation Pictures will be taken on Thursday, April 20th.  (There will be NO make-up picture day.)  Envelopes will be sent home the week of April 3rd with portrait package information. All students will be photographed for the class photo and will need a WHITE COLLARED shirt to wear under a graduation gown.  Girls should not have ponytails high on their heads or wear big hair accessories since they will be wearing a graduation cap!    

Thank you to ALL who have already generously donated to our class’ Chinese Auction basket/bin for the PTO Spring Fling Auction coming up on April 8th - April 9th!  Our theme is "Let's Do Coffee”.  Donations are DUE by Friday, 3/31.

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