Thursday, December 7, 2017

December 11-15
Please practice the following:
--word lists
--counting to 100
--writing number 0-20
--alphabet and sounds

The next story for Reading is Little Quack by Lauren Thompson.  It will be an animal fantasy story.  The comprehension skill we will target is plot, or the “what happens part of the story”.  Practice high frequency sight words daily!

For Math we will begin Topic 3:  Numbers 6-10.  Boys and girls will learn how to read, write, and count numbers from 6-10 and show numbers in different ways.  Take some time at home to review the daily practice pages completed at school.  
Wednesday, December 13th will be our monthly 2- hour data delay.  
Friday, December 15th is a Dress Down Day and students may wear jeans, sweatpants, gym attire, Spartan spirit shirts or regular dress code clothing.  A $1 donation will be collected for those participating!

Book orders are due Monday, December 11.

Students will need to be prepared for colder weather @ recess.  Warm coats, gloves or mittens, hats and/or scarves are needed.  Recess is a half an hour and unless the ground is snow-covered or it is too cold we will try to get outside for “fresh-air”.  Please practice zipping zippers and putting on gloves with your child.

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