Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15-19
Monday- big and small worksheet
Practice all the flash cards including the and little
Practice reading "Little Me"
Tuesday- syllables worksheet
Practice all the flash cards including the and little
Practice reading "Little Me"
Wednesday-color objects worksheet
Practice all the flash cards including the and little
Practice reading "Little Me"
Thursday-typing worksheet
Practice all the flash cards including the and little
Practice reading "Little Me"
Friday- test on the flash cards and letters from a to s

**Please help your child practice/learn his/her 4-digit computer number. This will help him/her log into the computer quickly and give him/her more time to work when using computers at school.  (We can also stop wearing our name badges to lunch and library once all students know their ID number for the cooks and librarians!) I will be asking the children their 4 digit pin number on Friday.  Your child should know this by now.  This pin is used everyday.  If they know it, they will receive a treat.

          ~ Our Reading story this week will be Plaidypus Lost.  We will be talking about how families cooperate, we will be learning to recognize the letters Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, and Ss, and we will practice the comprehension skill: sequence.  Watch for your Family Times newsletter to come home in your child’s folder.

The next Fall Festival meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 17 at 6:30 at the Mineshaft in Ashalnd. 
**JUST A REMINDER:  Clearances must be on file in the office to help at the Fall Festival, but anyone can help with the preparations and planning!!!
If your child is absent, please send in an excuse the next day your child returns to school.
            With Fall and the cooler weather upon us, please be sure your child has the proper clothing for a ½ hour outside recess.  Kindergarten tries to get out for “fresh air” and time to run around whenever the weather allows.  Temperatures can vary from morning to afternoon and sometimes the shady areas of the playground are chilly.  Better to be prepared with a jacket/sweater/sweatshirt than be underdressed.  Also, please have your child practice zippering and/or buttoning his/her coat and “pulling” the sleeves right-side out before attempting to put it on.  Thank you!!!

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